11 Nov Landscapes of reality
When we communicate, we are infact describing our inner world, trying to illustrate for the listener the landscape of our reality. Our words are the buildingbricks in the construction of our inner landscape, and the picture we paint is our understanding of reality. Even though we use the same language, and same words, our landscapes differs. As how we define every word, every buildingbrick is just as various as there is minds on this earth. The content of every word is also a creation of our reality. That is of past experiences, future expectations based on learning, conditioned by both our genes, collective memory (if you like), context, and so many more aspects.
Knowing your own landscape; its shapes and features, its valleys and rivers, oceans and mountains, seasons of moods and nature of emotions, enable you to accept yourself as you are. At the same time it can contribute to expand the ability to be curious about and contain other peoples landscapes. Like this, the ability to perspectivize and accept our own reality, enable bigger flexibility for our fellow beings and surroundings.
In psychotherapy, you explore your landscape together with your therapist. In yoga, we practice to observe and listen to whatever is, with compassion and understanding, within ourselves, and in others. Both is about getting to know something more about who your are.
Yoga also say that reality, MAYA, is an illusion… Though this I will talk more about another day.