Media diet

Everyday we’re bombarded by information and news from TV, computers, phones, Ipads and whatnot. We could benefit greatly from giving ourselves a media diet, retreating from these constant bombardments. Of course, we can just choose to not look at any of these, though there seem to be a strong suggestive and addictional neurochemical reward connected to it… The latter is based on self-observation. On the other hand, staring empty into the constant flow of passing information, sometimes give a strange pause of inner information flow. But its not really a pause, its more like a distraction, or filling our inner thoughtspace with something else.

So, a practice could be something like this:

For one week, sustain from any haphazardly search on the internet, zapping through TV-channels or similar, Facebook or similar. For one week, whan that urge comes up, do something else. Go for a walk, read a book, share tea and a conversation with someone. 
Do you take the challenge?