22 Mar Wisdom Rising – Empowered feminine
Are you looking for a book where Buddhist practice meet western psychological thinking? And where you get hands-on practices to apply immediately? Well here it is. And, it is written by a woman –the most influential contemporary Buddhist teachers of our time. Wisdom Rising is part memoir, and part practice protocol of the Dakini Mandala.
I made a decisison years ago to actively seek advice, support and mentorship from women I´ve met on my path that resonated with something in me. From yoga and spiritual guiderce, to clinical supervisors, mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers, and entrepenurial hearts. Lama Tsulrim Allione is one of them. It is a true gift of empowerment to honor the wisdom of women, and I warmly recommend to you all to look to the women in your surroundings, and listen to their truths of wisdom. I made a FREE masterclass for you on the topic, 3 Essential Aspects for Helpers, which you´ll get when signing up for the Dakini Dharmahood, your online community of expert resources for emotional wealth + many FREE goodies I don´t share anywhere else 😉
Mentorship and guidance is definitely something you receive in this timely and beautiful book.
Wisdom Rising is filled with symbolic imageries and practices to look at your own emotional patterns and mastering mechanisms, so beautifully and profoundly embedded in the philosophy juxtapoint of Buddhist Tantric teachings and western understanding of emotional psychologies. As a clinician, I appreciate much Lama Tsultrim’s languaging and elaboration on western mental health disease in the imagery of Buddhist thinking and Dakini expression. Depression, dissociation (trauma), addiction, and other conditions are part of illustrative stories, alivening the symbolic imagery, contextualizing the practices in our contemporary setting and state!
In the book, Lama Tsultrim explores the principle of fierce compassion, the awakened feminine, and shows readers how they can use this principle for positive change in their own lives and in the world. Interspersed with biographical stories, Lama Tsultrim examines the five wisdom dakinis, female deities in Tibetan Buddhism, who embody profound wisdom and the empowered feminine. “They are luminous, subtle spiritual energy, the gatekeepers and the guardians of the unconditioned wisdom and sacred earth,” she writes.
Lama Tsultrim places her teachings in the context of recent feminist resistance including the women’s marches, the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements. She hopes that Wisdom Rising can help readers “respond with greater wisdom and effectiveness to the distress, challenges, and chaos of our global reality. The journey into the mandala gives birth to a renewed expression of the feminine that draws on ancient wisdom, but is tailored for this time and place.”
Please support this book and movement of fierce compassion and the empowered feminine. You can currently pre-order a copy of Wisdom Rising at Amazon here and Barnes and Noble here.
If you want to join Lama Tsultrim in person, there are Wisdom Rising events throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Key launch events are happening at Kripalu Yoga Center May 10-13 with Shiva Rea and Krishna Das and in NYC (http://bit.ly/KripaluMay10) at ABC Home in New York City on May 17 (http://bit.ly/ABCEventMay17).
Here is advanced praise for Wisdom Rising:
“Wisdom Rising speaks to the sacred feminine in all of us.”
— Deepak Chopra
“These teachings are medicine for our times.”
— Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance
“Those who adopt the practices offered here, women and men alike, may indeed feel their wisdom rising and act as forces for healing in the world.”
— Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Happiness
“Tsultrim Allione draws on her spiritual depths to distil profound Tibetan wisdom into user-friendly practices well-suited for our times and lives.”
— Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence
“Wisdom Rising is a stunning call to women to trust our bodies and beings to manifest the energy, vision, and spirit to heal and transform these terrible times.”
— Even Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues
“Lama Tsultrim Allione offers a powerful gateway of awakening for men and women alike into the deep feminine. Wisdom Rising is a great contribution.”
— Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
“This book made me realize how undervalued feminine perception has been and how women can contribute their uniqueness substantially more than they currently are to the institutions of the culture.”
— Ram Dass, author of Be Here Now
“Wisdom Rising is a treasure for all women as it illuminates the path of healing, awakening and empowerment for women through the mandala.”
— Shiva Rea, yogini, author of Tending the Heart Fire
“We should be deeply grateful that these traditional Tibetan methods are now presented in a creative manner. This book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of both the Wisdom Dakini energies and the mandala principle in general.”
— Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, author of Into the Heart of Life
“In this magnificent teaching memoir, Lama Tsultrim writes: “We must learn to leave something when we take something.” Lama Tsultrim has taken gems from her long immersion in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and leaves us this guide for spiritual life, emotional healing, and—if we follow her fierce, feminine lead—restoration of Mother Earth.”
— Elizabeth Lesser, Cofounder of Omega Institue, author of Broken Open and Marrow
Lama Tsultrim Allione is an author, internationally known Buddhist teacher, and the founder and resident lama of Tara Mandala Retreat Center. She is the author of Women of Wisdom and national bestseller, Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict, which is now translated into seventeen languages, and Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine, May 2018. Born in New England to an academic and publishing family, Lama Tsultrim traveled to India in her late teens and in 1970, at the age of twenty-two, was ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist nun by H. H. the Sixteenth Karmapa. After four years living as a nun in the Himalayan region, she returned her monastic vows, married, and raised a family of three children. She has a Master’s degree in Buddhist Studies/Women’s Studies from Antioch University. Her writings and teachings come from her sublime Tibetan lamas as well as her experience as a Western woman and mother. She is known for her ability to translate the wisdom of the ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition into clear teachings that are relatable and relevant to Western audiences. Lama Tsultrim continues to guide Tara Mandala, as the resident lama, as well as thousands of students around the world. She was named Buddhist Woman of the Year in 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand. For more information on Lama Tsultrim Allione watch a documentary on her life, Feeding Your Demons, bit.ly/FYDdocumentary, and visit the Tara Mandala website, www.taramandala.org.