14 Nov Had to reveal the pregnancy early
When we were going to film the first videos for The House of Yoga back in 2013, I was just a few weeks into my second pregnacy. I´d flown down to Amsterdam (at that time we were living in Norway), and there was a whole team waiting for me on location that morning. Everyone had spent much time preparing, including myself, though that morning I looked through my planned sequence of a dynamic flow feeling faint only imagining standing upright.
Its quite common to experience morning sickness the first trimester, and I was at this moment 9 weeks pregnant. In addition my blood pressure was low, and low iron levels added lightheadedness into the nausea. All good symptoms confirming pregnancy. Not so great ones for being caught on tape for a whole day.
It was never a thought in my mind to reschedule, due to everyone involved in the filming, and I was well accommodated, we took plenty breaks and rest in between. The most professional team made it all possible, despite my state 🙂
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Enjoy, K <3