24 Mar Silent Retreat with Ronald D. Siegel
I have been so lucky to take workshops by Ronald – he is a fantastic teacher of mindfulness as well as psychotherapist, and so grateful he´ll be joining us for this years edition of Arctic Yoga Conference. And, to top it of, he´ll be offering a 5 day retreat up north!
For colleagues and other healthcare personell interested in mindfulness, yoga and compassion, this will be an unique chance to practice with one very special teacher.

Read more on www.arcticyogaconference.com
The retreat is called:
This Very Moment: A Mindfulness and Compassion Retreat
… and it will take place here: Manshausen

Ronald D. Siegel – acclaimed author, mindfulness teacher and psychologist
Ronald says about the retreat
For thousands of years, people have used mindfulness practices to deal effectively with difficulties ranging from everyday stress to the challenges of sickness, aging, loss, and even death. They’ve been used to enrich and enliven ordinary moments, and as tools to develop wisdom and compassion. More recently, thousands of scientific studies have validated the remarkable benefits of these practices for psychological as well as physical health.
This retreat is designed to refresh and deepen our mindfulness practice. It will give us an opportunity to step out of the activities of everyday life in order to more easily observe and work with the habits of heart and mind that contribute to suffering.
We’ll work together to establish a safe environment designed to support everyone’s practice. To this end, most of the time we’ll observe noble silence – refraining from speaking, writing, reading, or otherwise immersing ourselves in the world of words. We’ll work together to step out of the thought stream and connect more directly to the moment-to-moment flow of experience in a supportive natural environment.
We’ll work with a variety of meditation techniques, including concentration, open-monitoring, loving-kindness, compassion, and equanimity practices, as well as mindful yoga.
Every effort will be made to give each participant a delightful, growthful retreat experience, so that you can return home with renewed enthusiasm for cultivating mindfulness and compassion in daily life.
This retreat is suitable for individuals with some prior experience with mindfulness or related practices. Individuals who are currently receiving mental health treatment or are in the midst of particularly difficult life periods should contact the organizers to discuss the suitability of this retreat prior to registering.
Read more HERE
Sign up: post@arcticyogaconference.com