22 Feb AYC Call for abstracts
Yoga from a Health Perspective:
International Yoga Research Goes Arctic
June 16th – 19th 2016 www.arcticyogaconference.com
We warmly welcome you to International Yoga Research goes Arctic! The conference is organized by Dakini Dharma Projects and will take place in Bodø, Norway on June 17th 2016. The The Arctic Yoga Conference was established in 2011. The Arctic Yoga Conference was established in 2011. It is an annual event in the north
of Norway. The conference is an arena for competence building, networking, sharing and learning – in the framework of the amazing nature of the north. Experiences of nature, midnight sun, mountains and sea is part of our conference program.
This year’s theme is The impact of yoga and mindfulness in the Life-span
Topics of interest
Yoga; Yoga Therapy; Meditation; Mindfulness; compassion; health
Two tracjects: Academic research/empirical studies of yoga and applied yogic experience
Guide for authors
The deadline to submit abstracts is April 10th, 2016. Submit To submit your abstract, please click email info@arcticyogaconference.com, subject line ´Yoga Research`:
We invite you to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words for either:
1. A 15 minute oral presentation of an academic presentation or research results relating to this year’s theme, or 2. A 45 minute practice session or symposium relating to this year’s theme
The abstract should outline what specific problem(s) you are addressing and your approach towards it.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: April 10th .
Notification of acceptance: May 1st.
Accepted abstracts will be published on www.arcticyogaconference.com
Program committee
Professor Ingunn Hagen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Professor Silje Wangberg, University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway. Clinical Psychologist Kristin S. Vikjord
For any enquiries regarding the programme, please contact us on: info@arcticyogaconference.com. Make sure to title the subject line ’YOGA RESEARCH’
All general enquiries can be addressed to the same email address.
We look forward to seeing you at Arctic Yoga Conference.
Kristin S. Vikjord