
Some days are just like…. not great, and today is like that. And actually, most of the week has been like that: overly tired, but cannot sleep, aching body, emotional and hormonal (wanting to cry when the setting is not quite appropriate, and couldn’t cry when the setting was) – you get my drift. Being pregnant is taking its toll:)

Thus, I’m working on resting.

Photo on 11-16-13 at 1.59 PM #2


And, really working on letting go as I’ve felt like I wish I need to be two of me to manage normal everyday stuff. Anyone recognize the feeling?

Photo on 11-16-13 at 1.59 PM #3


Well, just a short sharing on my now to come epic saturday night: hanging on the couch, zapping, unless I fall asleep whilst putting my 2 year old to bed:)


Enjoy your evening!