On connections and dancing

Back from vacation, happy days in the sun in Portugal. Totally consuming Haruki Murakamis ‘Dance, dance, dance’ – one of my favorite authors, with his peculiar and intricate relevant writing style. (Siri Hustvedt is another recommended writer).

This time the topic touched upon connections, in this novel touching into the somewhat surreal sphere, yet adequately understandable for most of us. So the maincharacter are in his felt confusion trying to figure out how certain connections in his life are linked together in a meaningful way, where a handful people he meet make out the core of it all.

Art by Gro Mukta Holter

I love Murakamis inquiry into wheater and even how such connections could be understood, and if they are actually there or not.

I’ve heard talk about so-called ‘synchronistic events’ by other authors (cannot remember where), meaning that events in your life seem to have a deeper connection, and being linked together.

My personal thought on this topic is that when you become more aware of your own presence in this world/everyday and how you co-exist with your surroundings, one can appreciate events on a different level.

Art by Gro Mukta Holter

I do find this topic moving onto faith and teleologic position, and so I’m curious: whats your take on it?

Ps. The images of the art by Gro Mukta Holter I’ve added simply because I adore her work…
