The distance between you and yourself

Unease, suffering or not feeling completely ‘in yourself’, is a description I meet in various forms in my work. For most people this is a relatable feeling, at one or another point throughout life.

The bigger the distance between who you feel you are and who you feel you ought to be (should/must etc), the higher degree of unease or discomfort will be present. Some people would say, start imagining or even dreaming who you want to be, and then it will manifest! I’m not quite a fan of that approach, even though this ‘magical question’ (describe yourself in an ideal world, or how would the world look like tomorrow if all your problems magically disappeared over night) can be clarifying for identifying the descrepancy. I’m much a bigger fan of starting off with exploring what parts, skills, abilities etc about yourself you can be content with, or even like, right now. And then slowly from there, working your way back into yourself, acknowledging in a compassionate way, every side of yourself.

Which sides of yourself do you avoid, dislike or surpress? Have you thought about why you feel like that? Is there any of these features you can practice compassion towards today? Give it a try, as a friendly practice of the day.
