“I remember…”

A practice of free association as the temperature keeps dropping outside, and the northern light dances over the black velvet skies “I remember…”:

You can do this either writing or as a sharing between two. Begin your sentence with “I remember…” and let it finish with the first thing/memory that pops to mind. Then continue, sentence by sentence and see where your mind takes you. Try doing this practice with an attitude of curiosity, compassion, and non-judgement/self-sensour.


An old photo, taken at Zenit Yoga in Trondheim. An amazing studio created by Lea Lalitha Loncar, and kept by a wonderful group of yogis. I remember: soft snowflakes falling on my nose, a cozy smell of newly brewed coffe with a tint of chili!, walking from Zenit Yoga homewards, inbetween old wooden houses. I remember great times in Trondheim. Ups and downs and many dear people. I remember my first yoga class, a feeling of deep relaxation like I’d never experienced before. I remember an excitement and many questions arising. I remember…