
Sankalpa (sanscrit) means ‘will, determination, purpose’, and its about intention. Setting your intention, or focusing your attention and thus practice a certain attitude towards what you direct your attention to.

Research (scientific that is;) reveals that positive affirmations unable you to take responsibility for the surroundings you interact with. Intentions and determination within context is positive, meaning it is constructive because it give you direction based on your attitude. To recognize that everything changes, or to keep a certain practical cynisism on reality will help you become more functionable in the world. If you hide your emotions under positive affirmations (I’m doing great, I am enlightenend etc) you become a victim of reality. Affirming only one side of the story doesn’t make it more true, or make the other sides dissapear. Instead, practice to look reality in the eye, or exploring where you’re at and what is there, you have a much more mindful approach to life.