07 Nov Inspiring yogini
Eventhough most yogateachers in any given yoga studio is female, there seem to be a majority of male yogis teaching and publishing around the world. I know many wonderful female yoginis bringing the process of yoga into important fields, and here is one of them:
Silje Fredheim, a collegue and someone I’ve been so lucky to learn from in my clinical work. She has studied with Swami Ramananda of the Integral Yoga tradition, amongst others. Being a specialist of clinical psychology, she has worked with eating disordered patients for many years. Silje has been part of building the unit here in Bodø (Nordlandssykehuset Psykiatri), that treat patients from the whole north of Norway. The treatment program entails mindfulness and yoga in addition to traditional psychiatric interventions.
You can read more about Silje at www.yogadama.wordpress.com.
Do you know of any inspiring yoginis, lifting yoga into new settings?