More prenatal yoga

Shared a short sequence with you a while ago. Here is some more, enjoy!

ps 1. These photos were taken my first pregnancy, and I was about 26 weeks on these. Right now I’m 35 weeks pregnant, and some of the asanas are better suited for 1 and 2 trimester. In the end, when you carry a baby, only you know the best what feels nice and good for you two:)

ps 2. Sorry about the colors, these photos has not been edited…;)

ps 3. The are taken by Marthe Mølstre, at Mats Jensaas, Bodø.


Take a moment to centre. Take a moment to set your intention. Take a moment to say thanks. Take a moment to connect with your baby.


Breath! Open your chest and upper back. Let your arms flow back and forth with your inhale and exhale…

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Then inhale looking up, while moving your upper body down. Exhale to curve your spine up. Repeat many times!


And swing, and swing – floating the arms with your breath, moving form bent knees through your hips and spine.


Do a triangle to lengthen the side of your spine. Modified trangle. Do a deeper triangle for more lengthening of that compressed lower back, go even fully in.


Breathing some more! Inhale bring your arms up to lengthen! Exhale to centre repeat as many times as you wish!


A ‘shoelace’ pose to move into your legs. If the belly allows, move all the way in, and just stay, and just breath…. Repeat other side.


Finishing with a soothing, wide butterflypose.


Then thanking yourself, your body, your baby.
